Scenic Vistas Along the Northern California Coast

The California coastline stretches 840 miles along the western United States. There are many beautiful locations along the coast, but most people think of locations in southern California such as San Diego, Santa Barbara, Big Sur, or Laguna Beach. However, heading north of San Francisco one can encounter some stunning views along the coastline that are less crowded and well worth the visit. Highway 1 runs along the California coast. It is a winding and twisting road. It will take…

What are You Taking Pictures Of?

With the cameras in phone becoming so powerful, the number of pictures taken on a regular basis around the world has increased to an amazing number. In April the WordStream Blog reported that 95 million photos and videos were shared on Instagram per day. That just boggles the imagination. So what are these photos about? Anyone interested in traveling has likely taken numerous pictures, but what do our pictures say about us and our understanding about the world? In recent…