More Nativity Scenes from Around the World

In my first year of blogging, I did a post on nativity scenes from around the world. I shared that I had been collecting nativities as I enjoyed seeing how the birth of Christ was interpreted and represented within various cultures and by various artists. We recognize that while Christ’s birth happened in a certain time and location in history, he came for all mankind. The various cultural interpretations acknowledge that fact. The nativity scene in the cover photo is…

Nativities Around the World

It’s Christmas season once more. The signs are everywhere. A visit to a store or mall and all the decor will tell you that the Christmas season is here. Christmas themes of late seem to revolve mostly around snow and winter scenes. Snowmen and Christmas trees along with Santa have come to dominate the holiday decor. However, it is important not to ignore the reason there’s a Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. One way to celebrate that is to…