Travel Preparations for Hawaii During the COVID Pandemic

After facing the challenges of isolation, restrictions, and anxiety due to the COVID pandemic, people are ready to do something different. As children approached their spring vacations from school, families decided it was a good time to throw off the restrictions and travel. For many going to the Hawaiian Islands sounded like a great opportunity. However, due to COVID getting there would prove to be a challenge. As I have mentioned, my teacher daughter is an avid traveler. She has…

What’s in an Airport That’s Worth Seeing?

We all know the purpose of an airport is to enter and leave a location by means of an airplane. Thus in many ways airports are very utilitarian structures. However, as airports have become more and more significant parts of our life, they have changed. Airports now seek to be places for comfort, shopping, and perhaps even culture. Here are some of the interesting things I have seen in airports around the world. We all know the basics of an…

Around the World on a Mission: Taiwan

Having left Hong Kong behind us, we arrived in Taipei, Taiwan in mid-afternoon. While we arrived in the capital city, we were not going to stay there long. We would be going south to the city of Kaohsiung for most of our time in Taiwan. Following a meal at the church in Taipei, we participated in a church service that evening. When the service was over, we headed to the train station. We would be traveling by train to the…