How Flying Has Changed in the Last Fifty Years

It was nearly fifty years ago that I stepped onto a plane for the first time. That particular trip turned into about 15 flights in the space of a month. I wrote about that in a previous blog series. As I reflect on the last fifty years, it is interesting how much flying has changed in that time. Strolling down memory lane can help us appreciate some changes while lamenting others. First one needs to realize how common flying has…

Around the World on a Mission: Hong Kong

Having been in the ancient city of Cairo, Egypt and seen the rural center of India, we now headed for the big city of Hong Kong. Here was another opportunity to experience and learn about a different culture and peoples. In 1971 Hong Kong was in a building mode. Having been to Hong Kong recently, I saw the many apartment buildings which now look old and outdated. In 1971 it seemed construction was common as the population was growing. Because…

Around the World on a Mission: India

My first impression of India came at the airport. I remember sitting in the Bombay Airport (now known as Mumbai) waiting for our next flight. Across from us there was a counter that offered water to those passing by. From my perspective the attendant had two glasses. Someone would come along and grab one of the glasses, drink the water, and put the cup back down. The attendant would take the empty glass, dip it below the counter, and then…

Around the World on a Mission: Egypt

My first impression of Egypt was smelling the sweet fragrance of flowers, jasmine I think. It was a soothing odor as we disembarked the plane. My second impression was of guns, big machine guns carried by men in military fatigues as we entered the terminal. I had never been in a situation where there were so many military men around guarding a location. It made me nervous. I felt like I was entering a war zone. Egypt was our first…

Around the World on a Mission: The Beginning

I was 20 years old when I traveled for the first time on an airplane. That was 49 years ago. However, it wasn’t just any airplane ride. It was the beginning of a mission, a mission that would impact my life for years to come. For the next month I would travel around the world and see some of the most famous locations in the world as well as see what poverty really looks like. It would be my first…