Taipei Adventures Part 2

After spending our first day in Taipei getting acquainted with the city, we were ready for day two. This day was intended to be a day looking at some of the historical elements of the city. Unfortunately the first part of the day didn’t turn out as well as we had hoped. We were up at a decent time, and perhaps that was part of the problem. The first place we had on our list was the Red House, which…

Taipei Adventures

After spending a few days in Kaohsiung, it was time to go to Taipei. We traveled up by train and arrived in early afternoon. Knowing our hotel was near the main train station, we asked for some directions at the train help desk and then struck out to find our hotel. The streets were crowded so moving around with our suitcases and bags was not easy. It was also windy, and at one point I lost my hat, but a…

Dragons, Temples, and Lights: Kaohsiung Part 2

Our second day in Kaohsiung started with another Taiwanese buffet breakfast. Having nourished our bodies the best we could, we were ready for the activities of the day. First we planned to go to Lotus Lake which is a place with a number of religious temples. Later in the day the plan was to go to a night market. To get to Lotus Lake we first took the light rail which was near out hotel. This was our first time…

Noodles, Art, and Sand, Discovering Kaohsiung, Taiwan

When you think of international travel, what places come to mind? Caribbean countries and Europe probably come to mind most readily. However, there are many places to travel which will not have the hordes of tourists you might find in some of these places. May I suggest Taiwan as one such place. In 1971 when I toured around the world, Taiwan was one of the places we visited so last year when my daughter suggested my wife and I meet…